Friday, February 03, 2012

The View from my front Door

It snowed about a foot in the suburbs of Rome (I live where the Etruscans who were stopped by Horatio at the bridge lived). The problem is that the pines of Rome are not able to support much more than their twigs. So many branches broke. Last night I was serenaded by loud thumps and today I opened my front door and saw this

Oh just heard another thump (really honest). Yep new rather small branch on our porch.

I am sure that I will be able to drive somewhere sometime, but, since there are about three snow plows in the Rome metropolitan area, I'm not holding my breath.

I'm fine so long as I have internet access. I was alarmed when I lost power (a pine of Rome pining for the fjords on a power line I'd guess). I am impressed that ENEL got it back on in a few hours Nnothing like Pepco -- the US corporation with the lowest approval rating. This was way back when Washington was gridlocked on health care reform, but they have had another epic fail since then).

Another view out of focus but showing the door

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