Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wish I'd Typed That

The Navy, in particular, has been feeling like they’re left out of the action since terrorists—inconveniently from a budget request point of view—don’t seem all that interested in taking to the high seas.

Those rotten terrorists not only kill people, they have no respect for the balance between the services budgets. So let me try to google that latest. Has this evil choice of terrorists affected the ratio of the army budget to the navy budget ?

OK 2009 warning pdf before B Hussein O took over TOA (has to be requested budget authorization ) rounded to the billion (current dollars this is about the ratio damnit)

Army 139
Nave 149

so for comparison (and really at random honest) 2000

Army 73
Navy 89

By the way the projection gets even crazier.

What the f*ck the navy has a problem that our pressing military problems since 9/11/2001 have nothing to do with them and they still have a larger budget TOA request than the army. I have no clue what Toa means but that is insane.

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