Oh Fuck I think I better not visit the God Damned USA until I learn to discipline my fucking tongue.
What the hell is going on ? First people who remained calm while Republicans invaded the wrong country, locked up a US citizen arrested in the USA indefinitely without trial, declared the Presidenta above the law and tortured now are in a total clusterfuck because some representative shouted "you lie" while the President was speaking (and, not that anyone cares, telling the truth).
Now Kim Clisters is awarded a victory in the semifinals of the fucking US open, because Serena Williams said [explitive] twice (from context I'm fucking sure the explitive was "fucking") and mentioned the possibility that she might shove a ball down the line judges [explitive] throat (see since said line judge is a real live identifiable human being, I deleted the fucking explitive].
The only redeeming feature of the whole clusterfuck is the idea of John McEnroe commenting on the events.