Mole Watch
This may be a new feature of my blog. Recently, Sarah Palin dropped her cover and
revealed that she is, as should have been obvious, a Democratic mole whose mission was to destroy the Republican party (I for one sure aint buying the "I thought they were mooses excuse).
She's not alone. Now Ari Fleisher argues
Under his policy it’s about 45% of this country would no longer pay any income tax. [...] You can’t have a country that’s gonna be strong if you’ve got about 45% of the country that is excused from paying income tax.
via sadly no.Is Ari really trying to convince people that they better not vote for Obama, because if they do, they won't pay income tax ? Sadly no. He's a mole coming out of cover.
Now there is one Republican who is certainly not a demo-mole -- Dick Cheney -- he may be trying to destroy the Republican party (and the Republic) but he clearly can't stand democrats.