Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dan Eggen and Amy Goldstein have a blockbuster article on the Pearl Harbor Day Massacre

Justice Weighed Firing 1 in 4
26 Prosecutors Were Listed As Candidates

Their source provides information which is news to Josh Marshall. I think they are worthy of working on the TPMuckraker team (highest praise for journalists I can think of) but probably wouldn't like the cut in pay and circulation. I am very very glad they work for the Washington Post.

They report Kyle Sampson's lists included a total of 26 US attorneys considered for possibly wanting to spend more time with their families. This means that my guesses as to the three then maybe 6 redacted names become guesses about the 18 who were fired on days other than December 7 1996 and aren't Cummins. Each guess has a 25% chance of being, in this sense, correct so I shouldn't boast that I'm batting 1000, but I did guess that Chistie was on a list which included Iglesias
"Reached last night, Christie said Elston contacted him in mid-March. Elston told him that he had put Christie's name on a Nov. 1, 2006, list, along with four other U.S. attorneys, and that a redacted copy was being turned over to Congress."

We already know my guesses on Biskupic and Meehan were both correct if charitably interpreted as applying to any of the versions of the list
(if you click you see that I backtracked on Christie in that one oooops). I also speculated correctly that Debra Wong Yang was on a list.

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