Was Anyone in the White House in Charge of Crisis Management ?
There was a very very odd exchange during the ferocious press conference in which McClellan flailed around attempting to find an excuse for refusing to respond to reporters questions. Most questions were very aggressive, but one was very simple and direct and apparently routine. McClellan didn't answer it.
Q There have been suggestions that the initial White House response was delayed somewhat because a number of key people were on vacation last week. During that critical 24-hour period after the levees were breached Monday, who in the White House was in charge of crisis management?
MR. McCLELLAN: Andy Card is the chief of staff, and he was in close contact with everyone. And the President is the one who's in charge at the White House.
Andy Card is indeed the chief of staff but he was not in the White House. He was in Maine
White House chief of staff Andy Card was on line from Maine
I find it impossible to believe that no one
in the White House was in charge of crisis management. Still I wonder why the reporter asked the question. I would assume that the answer wouldn't be very interesting. The question is strange. The failure to answer it is very strange. Is it possible that they all went on vacation and left no one minding the store ?