From reader Cthulhu via
General J.C. Christian I learned about the
Snoop Dogg shizzolator. I must say that I find Snoops version of the Kurd's letter to Bush (see below) much more convincing than the original, but I thought, that's good that's very good but what about shizzolating Fafblog ? Like I mean cool squared.
the result of
this passing through (unfortunate figure of speech there)
askSnoop is
Ready fight da Germans Giblets," I says Giblets n' shit.
"Oh yo' ass better believe that shiznit," says Giblets, know what I'm sayin'?
"Oh those Germans better get ready fo' Fafnir 'n Giblets," I says, know what I'm sayin'?
"For ol Faf 'n Gibs of da 171st armored balloon division," says Giblets, know what I'm sayin'?
"And a proud balloon brizzle is," I says."
"The Germans won't know brizzle is coming," says Giblets, know what I'm sayin'?
"Unless they look up above da horizon," I says, know what I'm sayin'?
"Which seems unlikely because how often do Germans do that," says Giblets n' shit.
"Once a month coincide wit da full moon, or during matin rituals, I read," I says."
"A strange muthas those Germans," says Giblets n' shit.
"Wait do those Germans has guns?" I says, know what I'm sayin'?
"Holy crap nobody be like anythin 'bout guns!" says Giblets, know what I'm sayin'?
"What are they doing wit guns! They could hurt muthas or even pop izzle balloon!" I says n' shit.
"Run away!" says Giblets 'n we did, know what I'm sayin'? *
Anyway n' shit. Thank yo' ass D-Day 'n everyone in that shiznit, know what I'm sayin'? Especially da Canadians."
*We spent da rest of da war posin as cabaret singers in a French production of "No No Nanette n' shit. " It ran fo' three years terrific reviews!
&pimpa; posted by Snoop Fafnir at 10:17 AM