Bush And Cheney Doing OK with People whose names start with B or C
Clash Is Latest Chapter in Bush Effort to Widen Executive Power
By Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff WritersWhich is presented (correctly) as news not as analysis or commentary hammers Bush and Cheney as hard as Dan Froomkin ever did. I would like to think that the amazing outpouring of support for Froomkin have convinced Baker VandeHei and John F. Harris that distorting reality to balance truth and nonsense is not obligatory.
Cheney supplies the nonsense
Speaking with reporters traveling with him aboard Air Force Two to Oman, Cheney said the period after the Watergate scandal and Vietnam War proved to be "the nadir of the modern presidency in terms of authority and legitimacy" and harmed the chief executive's ability to lead in a complicated, dangerous era. "But I do think that to some extent now we've been able to restore the legitimate authority of the presidency."
I fear that Baker and VandeHei looked low and lower for someone who would agree with Cheney. They seem to have tried and tried and finally succeeded.
Maybe "Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer and Reagan administration official" ?
nah he said "He's living in a time warp,"
John Sununu Jr son of the notoriously power hungry chief of staff of Bush sr ?
uh uh he said "The vice president may be the only person I know of that believes the executive has somehow lost power over the last 30 years."
(ok I know JS Jr is filibustering the patriot act. I first thought it was his dad).
OK have to go to a partisan hack ideologue how about David A. Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union "The problem is, where do you stop rebalancing the power and go too far in the other direction? I think in some instances [Bush] has gone too far."
Bush has lost George Will and the American Conservative Union. He is in trouble.
He does get support from himself, Cheney, William P. Barr and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.).
I guess that tomorrow they will try everyone under D and E in the phone book.