Monday, February 07, 2005

Check this out over at pollingreport

Americans are concerned about the solvency of the social security trust fund but they don't seem to be willing to do anything about it (no suprise) but wait there is one solution that Americans love -- soaking the rich. 69% of registered voters support " raising this $90,000 income cap to help bring more money into the Social Security system?" As I have mentioned from time to time, I agree with the majority of my fellow citizens on this one. Now can someone please try to explain why the Democrats are not pushing this. Increasing the progressivity of the tax system is good policy and excellent politics. Why aren't any politicians running on it ?

Quinnipiac University Poll. Jan. 25-31, 2005. N=2,100 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 2.1 (for all adults).


"Which of these statements do you think best describes the Social Security system: it is in a state of crisis, it has major problems, it has minor problems, or it does not have any problems?"


Crisis Major

% % % % %

1/25-31/05 17 50 27 3 2


"Do you support or oppose raising Social Security taxes to help bring more money into the Social Security system?"


Support Oppose Unsure

% % %

1/25-31/05 35 60 5


"Do you support or oppose increasing the age to qualify for Social Security benefits to help bring more money into the Social Security system?"


Support Oppose Unsure

% % %

1/25-31/05 30 67 3


"Do you support or oppose reducing Social Security benefits to help bring more money into the Social Security system?"


Support Oppose Unsure

% % %

1/25-31/05 16 81 3


"Under the current system people pay Social Security taxes on their income only up to the first $90,000 they earn. Do you support or oppose raising this $90,000 income cap to help bring more money into the Social Security system?"


Support Oppose Unsure

% % %

1/25-31/05 69 27 4


"Do you support or oppose allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in the stock market?"


Support Oppose Unsure

% % %

ALL 51 43 6

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