Saturday, February 14, 2004

Weirdness mounting daily (WMD) in the white house.
I, for one, was sure that Saddam Hussein had WMD because I didn't imagine
that he would have gone to such lengths and paid such a price to hide nothing.

It is also bizzare that the Bush administration went to such lengths and paid such a price in credibility to hide files which contain nothing of interest. At least Saddam could have been bluffing, hiding the fact that he had nothing to hide.

I don't want to compare an evil dictator to a (more or less) elected leader nor would i want to cmopaare the costs to Iraq of sanctions to the discomfort Scott Mclelland suffered in some of the most ferocious press conferences in my memory.

What could possibly be going on ? Is it possible that Bush is so stubborn and confident that he can get anything he wants, that he was prepared to break a promise made on national TV to hide the fact that he once briefly had hemorrhoids ?

My honest (tinfoil hat) guess is that the pile of records released by the white house is far from complete. In particular it does not seem to include his actual honorable discharge with reinlistment codes.

As a practical proposal I think that reporters should say that now that everything has been released, there is no reason for Bush to refuse to sign a release waiving privacy rights. Now I don't imagine that there will be unscrubbed documents unhidden anywhere, but, for some reason, Bush seems unwilling to sign such a document.

If there are gross gaps in the file released by the whitehouse (no copy of the discharge itself, no disciplinary response to the failure to take the flight physical-) the story might still have legs. Still I think it is basically time to move on and get back to the 21st century.

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