Right decision for wrong wrong reason
Washington Post reports
"The Bush administration has decided to repeal most of its 20-month-old tariffs on imported steel to head off a trade war that would have included foreign retaliation against products exported from politically crucial states,"
I thought they were at least supposed to pretend they cared about the public interest not just winning elections. The whole article with many quotes from administration sources contains no hint that they care about foreigners (no big surprise) or people who live in non-swing states. Now if the people in solidly pro Bush states were a bit more alert they would become swing states now that that is clear.
I'm not surprised, of course, but I am dismayed by the brazenness
hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue - (I forget who said that).
Update: I learn from
Patrick Nielson Hayden that I was quoting La Rochefoucauld )
Millions for defence but not one cent of tribute (to Virtue)
T. Jefferson modernized