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Sunday, June 26, 2005

It is weird that I basically blog only on things I read in other blogs, guarnteeing that no sensible person will waste time reading this blog. In spite of this general rule, I can't help commenting on the arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents for the kidnapping of Hassan Osama Nasr (Abu Omar) from Milan to Cairo which were recently issued on the request of Armando Spataro. This is too much for me to ignore, so I am going to blog a lot about the case, the Italian criminal justice system, the procura di Milano, Armando Spataro, Guido Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi.

Update: I Thank Thomas Nephew for explaining to me that Max Sawicky is sending people to this page and that the home tag doesn't work. The topics on which I actually blogged with cool clickable links are
The Italian Judiciary, "Reform" of the Italian judiciary, CIA trouble with Technology, News reports of the kidnapping and arrest warrents, Italian criminal justice, Armando Spataro and Guido Salvini.


Anonymous said...

calling those readers you do have senseless is also unlikely to help.

Anonymous said...

Fine with me.

Thomas Nephew said...

technical comment: your "home" thing doesn't work the way I think you wish it did (it adds /2005/06)

Thomas Nephew said...

By way of further explanation, this is where Max Sawicki sent me and others re your "Italian Job" posts (which are very informative, thanks). If I may suggest it, you might add a link to one of your various posts about that here.