Just wasting time. I refer to the series of books and not to the TV series*.
1) Now public – after the first book, I was convinced that Jon Snow was the son of Lyana Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen
2) It is very clear that the knight of the laughing tree is Lyana Stark. For one thing Rhaegar rode after that knight after that knight embarrassed the knights at the tournament. The travelling cranogman is, I think, a diversion.
3) Balerion the Dread II: I am sure that the black cat with one ear is the Targaryen pet cat knicknamed Balerion the dread. The cat appears chased by Arya Stark then attacks Tommen Baratheon. Arya escapes, finds the skulls including that of Balarion the dread I and finds Varys plotting with the rich cheese guy (in tunnel later used by Eddard Stark and Peter Baelish. Cat reported to have stolen chicken from tywin Stark when he was at dinner with the crazy king. Reported outside of a window scaring Tommen later.
4) The horn of Joramun. In the mysterious bundle containing obsidian blades there is a horn which makes no sound. I am sure it is the horn which wakes giants.
5) It is fairly clear that ice-hands is the Eddard Stark’s younger brother and that he left the bundle to be found as well as rescuing Samwise Tarley etc.
6) It is reasonably clear that the pork he brought for Brandon, Hodor and the crannog-siblings is long pork (human flesh).
7) In the house of the immortals Danerys sees a massacre of people with wolve’s faces. Clearly the red wedding. She also sees a newborn baby. Parents say he will be a great conqueror and they will name him Aegon.. They are Rhaegar and Lyanna. She sees someone with blue eyes in a boat. Clearly a wight coming from Hardholm
8) The person born between salt and fire is Danerys. She is also the younger and more beautiful queen about whom Circe Lannister was warned.
9) The younger brother iwho is to strangle her is Jaime – minutes not years younger.
10) Danerys must go East to go West. Also, she must pass through the Shadow beyond Ashai. A sword tempered in the blood of a beloved’s heart is alarming.
11) The dragon has 3 heads – Danerys, Jon, and one more. Either Faegon is not fake, or Tyrion Lannister is, as rumored, a bastard of the crazy king.
12) Of course Sandor Clegane is the tall man digging graves on the isle of repentance and the Hound not he is the angry man who died (why did I not realize this ?).
13) I am pretty sue that Mance is not, in fact dead
Odd how I remember details but not names
*I think the parts of the series I watched was excellent – very different from but not inferior to the books – I did not watch the 7th season.